Celadon Road Tips for Green Spring Cleaning

Green Tip of the Month:

Spring Cleaning

It’s Spring!  Time to come out of hibernation, get some fresh air and begin spring cleaning.  This year, give your house a green spring cleaning by avoiding dangerous chemicals and harsh cleaners.

Here are some great tips on how you can spring clean in a greener and safer way:

1.   Open the doors and windows - let the fresh air in.  This is the best way to get dirty air moving out and fresh air moving in.  Did you know that indoor air pollution in our homes can be as much as 100 times worse than outdoor air pollution? Most of that pollution comes from the evaporation of VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) or the “offgas” from cleaning supplies, air fresheners, and home decorating items like paint, wallpaper, and carpeting. While we think we’re cleaning and disinfecting our homes, we’re really loading the air with toxic chemicals.
With the windows open, you’ll be amazed at how fresh your house smells even before you begin cleaning!
For fresh-smelling clothes, hang laundry on an outdoor clothesline and let the sunshine dry it. (To prevent fading, turn garments inside out.)

2.   Use reusable cleaning supplies - avoid using rolls of paper towels and other one-time use tools. It is much more eco-friendly to use a rag or natural fiber sponge.  Rags are easy and inexpensive or simply cut up old towels or t-shirts, wash them when you’re done and reuse them the next time.  Or purchase Celadon Road biodegradable sponges, Chef's Towels and Flour Sack Towels for cleaning supplies that are high quality and have less environmental impact.   To order, click here.